Sunday, March 21, 2010

Settlers by the Long Grey Trail: Rockingham Co, VA

Settlers by the Long Grey Trail: A Contribution to the History and Genealogy of Colonial Families of Rockingham County, Virginia. Some Pioneers to Old Augusta County, Virginia, and Their Descendants, of the Family of Harrison and Allied Lines - J. Houston Harrison. The title of this work is taken from a poem describing the old Valley Turnpike, which cuts through the Shenandoah Valley. The pioneers followed it as an old Indian trail. According to tradition, it was first merely a beaten path of the buffalo. The author starts by sketching a general overview of the beginnings of the Valley settlements, focusing primarily on that part of Augusta County that was later formed into Rockingham. An account of the origin of many of the early Harrison families of Colonial times is included, and many English lines have been touched on. In tracing the Augusta or Rockingham families, the maternal lines have been handled as fully as the paternal ones. Among the lines traced (other than Harrisons) are: Bears, Bowmans, Browns, Byrds, Campbells, Conrads, Cravens, Davises, Davidsons, Deckers, Ewings, Gaines, Gordons, Hannas, Henkels, Hentons, Herrings, Hollingsworths, Hoppers, Houstons, Howards, Jordans, Keezells, Kennerlys, Koontzs, Lincolns, Logans, Mauzys, Monroes, Moores, Newmans, Otts, Pickerings, Prices, Smiths, Watsons, Williamses, Williamsons, Woodleys, Yanceys, and many more. 

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